

I am planning to make a narrative and symbolism music video. My music video will be 3 minutes 15 seconds long. I have chosen the song Sunrise by Our Last Night. The genre of the band is pop punk and my music video will be conventional to this genre.

The story line of my idea is

The main character has been cyber bullied for years. The first half of the music video is showing her getting hate messages and showing that she’s starting to give up. The bullying gets so bad that she attempts suicide. The girl puts up a post saying “I hope you’re all happy”

Someone on Facebook sees the location and runs to try and find her before she kills herself. There becomes more and more tension as the girl gets closer to suicide and the guy gets closer to finding her.


I have two characters in my music video. The main character is a young girl that’s getting cyber bullied, aged around 16/17.

The second character is the guy that stops the girl from suicide, aged around 17/18. Both characters will be wearing casual teenage clothing.

The female character may be wearing darker clothes to show that she’s more depressed, I haven’t decided yet.


I will be filming at three different locations. The first location is in my garage and will be the location for the first half of the music video.

The second location is at a forest where she attempts suicide at late afternoon and the third location will be used for lip syncing, showing emotions on the girl’s face, at Exmouth beach.


My budget will be around £25. The most expensive thing will be food and travel. I will be paying for props and food myself so I will not need ways to raise money.


For my contextual research, I have analysed 3 music videos about suicide and depression, to get a better idea of how I could show it in my music video. I researched into style, editing, camerawork, lighting, props and locations.

My target audience for my band is 15-20 year olds, more male than female fans. My audience tend to wear casual teen clothing and most have access to education.

My audience research confirmed my idea and gave me ways I could improve it. Like filming the suspenseful scenes later at night to add even more suspense.

For my technical research, I have researched into showing messages without it being on a phone screen, as cameras don’t pick up phone screens very clearly.

From my research, I have learnt that I can’t show suicide and self-harm but I can use symbolism to show it. For example I researched things that symbolise death such as upside down fire torch and walking across a fallen tree.

I have also learnt what type of music videos consumers like to watch.

Production schedules

My key filming dates will be at the beginning of the week as my actors are more available then than they are at the weekend.

I’m going to be filming early afternoon as I need natural sunlight to film.

I will begin editing the week after filming.

Production schedules




Old changed ending

Location reconnaissance

Photo locations:

Location floor plans:


 Risk assessments


Props list

  • Rope
  • Food colouring – red
  • Laptop
  • Phone
  • photo album
  • step ladder
  • Knife
  • Clear string
  • Rubber bands

Equipment list

  • Camera
  • tripod
  • lights (LED pannel)
  • stabiliser
  • Spare camera and AA batteries

I do not need a microphone or an audio-pack for this project as there is no dialogue or Foley in my piece.




Character design


Character design.PNG

female actor costume.PNG

Consent forms

Location release forms



Shot log