
There are a few different technical skills I will need to research to find out how to achieve them.

One of the skills I will need to research into is showing messages without it being on a phone screen, as cameras don’t pick up phone screens very clearly.

I therefor watched a few tutorials and found this was the most useful to me.

I then tried this myself for the first time on a music video I have done in the past, however came across some issues. E.g the render settings weren’t right and the bubbles didn’t look very good.

I therefor looked at some tutorials showing me the best render settings for after effects and tried again.

This was my second try.

I also thought of a way to show the time and date of the messages.

I wanted a way to include lens flare in my music video, I therefor researched how to create lens flare and found this was the best way to do it.

I have been looking for a good location for the forest shots and have been finding it quite difficult to find one. These are a few trees I thought I could use for my music video, however aren’t the best.


Unfortunately the branch was to flimsy to hold the weight of two people.


The branch on this tree wasn’t long enough to hold two people side by side on it, as it is at an angle.


The background is too nice and scenic for the type of thing I am going to be filming.

I went out and looked for a better location for the forest shots.

20170430_114819edited.jpgAfter looking around for a while, I finally found one.  (Image bellow)


Whilst looking for a good forest location I came  across a gravestone that I could use for a scene in my music video. I filmed it and have now created some test edits. I personally think the second edit is the best and will probably be the one I will go with.

There is a scene in my music video where I will be needing a flare (Inspired by the song Shadow moses by Bring Me The Horizon.)

I have researched into this and have found they are very hard to get hold of and as they are distress flares I could get into a lot of trouble.  I looked online and this is the only website I could find them. However the delivery charge alone is £16 as it’s such a dangerous item.

I thought of a few alternatives, E.G smoke bomb and spray paint, however I’m finding it hard to find a red handheld smoke bomb and I’m not sure what I’d do with the spray paint.

smoke bomb unavailable.png

smoke bomb unavailable 2.png

This means I may have to cut this scene out of my music video.

Edit: I have looked at a few different music videos showing self harm and have now found some ideas for myself.

My first idea: I watched a music video that had ink dropping into water and I thought that would be a creative but sensitive way to show self harm. This will probably be done in a filled bath, with the character leaning over the bath.


ink 2.png

My backup idea: I watched this video of people painting in red to represent cuts and self harm and I thought I could do the same but with spray paint.


These are a couple of test shots I have tried myself. The first shot I used paint, however the paint wasn’t very effective as it just sank to the bottom because of its weight. I then tried food colouring and found that that worked a lot better.

I have edited the clips together to get an idea of the end product of that part of my music video.